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vivaNext BRT- Streetscape Design
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York Region, ON

IBI’s Urban Design team were responsible for developing the design vocabulary of the urbanized public realm, landscape design, streetscape furnishings, lighting design and intersection layouts. “The complete street” reflects a belief that streets should anticipate and accomodate the needs of all users – pedestrians, transit users, cyclists and drivers by providing a welcoming, functional and safe environment for everyone, no matter how they want to get from A to B. “The complete street” concept is consistent with York Region’s vision for its urbanized future, especially along its major corridors and emerging urban centres. This project was design-build. The streetscape design emphasizes the importance of having an attractive public realm and to encourage people to want to spend time in these newly developed public spaces. By offering safe bike dedicated lanes, wide boulevards, attractive paving, good lighting, shade trees, amenities such as comfortable benches and bike racks and generously planted landscaped areas, pedestrians, transit users, cyclists and drivers will know that they are truly welcome. The special order Unilock pavers used on this project are Umbriano Winter Marvel, Midnight Sky and Summer Rose, in a range of sizes: 200 x 200 x 70mm, 200 x 400 x 70mm and 400 x 400 x 70mm.

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