Berry Lane Park, a seventeen-acre recreational space and the largest municipal park in Jersey City, is built on an abandoned industrial site that has undergone an extensive environmental remediation, grading and irrigation installation. Seeking to mitigate stormwater runoff and create an environmental green space, this community-driven project focused on revitalizing the urban area through sustainable design elements, including light-colored permeable pavers, underground water detention basins, rain gardens and LED lighting fixtures. The park now incorporates multiple sports fields, event spaces, a playground and seating. The designer, Dresdner Robin, used Eco-Priora with Il Campo finish in the Coffee Creek color for the permeable surface. The light surface color serves a dual purpose, reducing urban heat island effect due to its high reflectivity while enhancing the park’s aesthetics. Not only has this project resulted in a large increase in the amount of useable open space in Jersey City but it has also enhanced sustainability in the city, energized the neighbourhood and created more opportunity for community engagement.